Pumpkin is a 7 year old 3/4 pony and 1/4 quarter horse. Pumpkin has been on our farm the last four years. He was used to give pony rides in the carasel. Pumpkin has been on lots of trail rides, through water, and over logs. Pumpkin is really quiet and gentle and loves attention. He is broke to ride and drive single or double. Pumpkin has been in a lot of traffic and doesn't mind the big trucks on the road. Pumpkin rides western or bare back however you want. If you are looking for a pony for your kids to play with Pumpkin would be the perfect one. Pumpkin also gets along with other horses really well. He goes out in the pasture every evening and comes in every morning with about 15 other ponies. Just an absotute kid safe pony !!!!!
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